Create Meaningful Experiences for Every Traveler

IDI provides travel brands with invaluable, highly relevant consumer insights and robust identity solutions that enable more impactful engagement and uniquely personalized customer experiences.

Data-driven Solutions for Travel and Entertainment Marketing

IDI offers a comprehensive suite of marketing solutions that help travel and entertainment brands understand and identify the highest-value audiences for acquisition and relationship marketing. By harnessing the power of our AI/ML-powered identity intelligence platform, we link and analyze data from a multitude of sources to provide unique customer insights. These advanced capabilities allow travel and entertainment marketers to better identify, reach, and convert potential customers.


An AI-powered consumer identity and intelligence solution that delivers comprehensive, unique insights on nearly 100% of the adult U.S. population. Understand, reach, and engage with audiences while optimizing marketing program investments for more personalized customer experiences.

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A next-generation identity intelligence solution used to address a variety of organizational challenges, including investigations, due diligence, risk mitigation, identity verification, individual and asset location, and regulatory compliance.

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This comprehensive suite of identity solutions provides out-of-the-box functionality supporting new customer acquisition and onboarding workflows through KYC identity data verification, form fill, and other identity data operations. coreIDENTITY™ seamlessly manages and fortifies the entire identity journey for your customers.

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Transformative Intelligence Tools

Get cutting-edge identity intelligence solutions at scale. Explore the benefits of IDI that can make your operations smarter and more efficient.

Gain comprehensive insights into travel preferences and habits

Reach the people most likely to travel

Create personalized, meaningful engagements

Expand marketing reach

Reengage with previous customers

Increase loyalty and share of wallet