Unparalleled insights to support
your institution

Ensure up-to-date student and alumni contact information to improve donation initiatives, bolster collection efforts, and assist campus security and law enforcement.

Powerful intelligence solutions to support your mission

Drawing upon a massive repository of data assets covering nearly 100% of the U.S. adult population and leveraging the industry’s most advanced cloud-native, identity intelligence platform, IDI provides innovative solutions that deliver financial benefits and support safe and secure campuses.

Solutions for educational institutions

An AI-powered consumer identity and intelligence solution that delivers comprehensive, unique insights on nearly 100% of the adult U.S. population. Understand, reach, and engage with audiences while optimizing marketing program investments for more personalized customer experiences.

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A next-generation identity intelligence solution used to address a variety of organizational challenges, including investigations, due diligence, risk mitigation, identity verification, individual and asset location, and regulatory compliance.

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Virtually unlimited scalability and performance

Flexible and agile for educational institution challenges of all complexities, our platform easily integrates into workflows to lower costs while effectively supporting your mission.

Update and maintain student, alumni, and donor contact information in real time

Verify identities and obtain a comprehensive view of your campus population

Enhance campus security, conduct investigations, and mitigate risk

Locate and collect from debtors

Conduct due diligence as part of regulatory and compliance obligations